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Jef Aerosol (Jean-Francois Perroy)

Jef Aerosol is one of the pioneers and most influential French street artists. theseworks  are recognizable with the red arrow.

Learn more about Jef Aerosol

Jef Aerosol's first stencil was made in Tours in 1982. He has lived in Lille for many years. Jef begins by making portraits of political, musical, artistic celebrities... Gandhi, Lennon, Basquiat. Most of his work relies on anonymous people.

He participated in the first urban art festival in France (Bondy).

The biggest names are gathered there with Bleck the ratFutura 2000Miss Tic (died 2022)SP 38Speedy Graphito ...


In June 2012, Jef Aérosol produced near Beaubourg his mostfamous (Igor Stravinsky Square, at the heart of Paris), a very large stencil work, with an area of 350 m2. Titled Chuuuttt!!!

To my knowledge, it represents the artist doing Chut but for many people, it is the face of the artist Dali.

Artsper has created a blog page about Jef

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